
Will Scottish football supporters tarnish their reputation in Manchester tonight?

by Guest55996  |  earlier

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We read all the time that English supporters shame the nation and that the Scots are just affable folk who like a drink.

P.S. For what it's worth, I supported Rangers.




  1. Stormy's right - they started rioting because one of the big screens in Picadilly Square broke down. The fact that they lost 2-0 won't help either. Hope your hubby's ok Stormy. :-)

  2. Heaven help us!  I wish it was the tartan army. However the old firm are generally bad losers.

  3. I hope not.  Scottish fans in general have a good reputation and I'm sure the majority of the Rangers fans will be no problem.  There will more than likely be a small number of fans who will let the side down but it would be nice if I'm wrong.

  4. You mean Rangers fans don't you?  I am Scottish but don't support Rangers or any other team apart from the National one.  Fans of the naitonal team never cause problems wherever they go.  Can't say the same for fans of the English national team.

  5. I'd say it was tarnished in Manchester a few years ago.

    Words fail me.

  6. they probably will!scots in general have a fearsome rep for getting pissed up every weekend like there life depends on it!im scottish(and teetotal!)every occasion,whether it be football,weddings,even funerals,are generally lubricated by alcohol,so no doubt there will be some idiots who get drunk and fight etc,but on the whole i think most fans are ok,just the few who take it all too far

  7. Russian fan stabbed after the match.I wouldn't say it's typical of Scottish fans but Rangers fans have been guilty of some pretty horrendous violence in the past.Fatalities included.

  8. No they will not they are well behaved.

  9. i think there will be trouble ahead, too much drink and it didn't go their way, also they are in england.

  10. It has kicked off, one of the screens packed in, and they have been taking the cops on.

    *edit* Rodriguez, he texted ok at the moment, still worried for him though, thanksx

  11. A MINORITY of Rangers football fans will do what football fans the world over will do and cause trouble. Actually calling them fans is probably misrepresented as true fans do not behave in this manner. There is not a FC in the world with a big following that doesn't come with trouble makers. I am neither a Rangers or football fan of any team but someone saying what is a fact.  Lets wait, calculate the number of fans in Manchester for the game and I imagine the percentage who caused trouble were really, really low. Why I don't know but it is a sad fact of life that a small minority go place to cause trouble, whether related to football, demonstations or whatever. To elanya j - I am Scottish too and we must come from two very different backgrounds. None of my family, friends or even aquaintances would over indulge in drink and cause trouble at the occassions you mention.  There will always be some but even in Scotland, taking the population in general those who act in this way are still in the minority.

  12. I wouldn't have thought so. The Rangers fans I know were more surprised than anyone that their team made it to the final.

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