
Will Spain loose 2016 Olympics cause of slant eyes pictures?

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To me it seems like they had a great chance and threw it away with racism. Now Chicago or Tokyo will get it.

FYI there are not only the pictures of basketball team doing this but tennis also.




  1. I can GUARANTEE you they won't loose it.

    (I can't, however, guarantee they won't lose it.)

  2. U could lose your bid for the games not sure will have to see.

    pics r listed here

    Im more disappointed that the 2012 games are going to be in london have you seen the logo its awful!


  3. Yes I hope they lose it so they can come to my home town!


    I can not wait when they come so I can go to the opening and stuff!

  4. I hope so...they have some serious issues.

  5. That wont be the only reason if they lose but it certainly wont help.

  6. I don't think Spain has the budget or ability to host an Olympics to be honest. I think Japan may have it.

  7. The eyes incident with the Spanish team probably had a very large effect on their 2016 Olympic Bid. However they aren't out of it yet. Keep in mind that we will not find out which city is the host city until October 2009, more then a year away, and its possible that the controversial ad will be forgotten about by then.

    However, this bad press couldn't have come at a worse time for Spain. This is the last Olympics taking place before the decision, so this is the last thing the IOC can judge Spain on. This incident will also remind the three other cities (Chicago, Tokyo, and Rio de Janeiro) to keep themselves in line, and make sure anything bad as a representation of their city stays out of the media.

    Because Spain is up against three other countries all to be considered strong contenders for the 2016 Olympic bid,  some would say it is going to take a miracle for them to recover from that incident.

    Personally, I say that Chicago should host it. It shouldn't go to Tokyo because the 2008 Olympics are being hosted in Asia, It shouldn't go to Rio de Janeiro because they will not be ready to host an Olympic game, and most recently, the Spainish basketball team has recently shown that they would not be able to host the games in a unifying matter as they should be. Chicago is a diverse city with plenty of resources already in the city, as well as multiple sports centers to have the games played in, an already massive public transportation system, and plenty of hotels and attractions to draw in tourists from around the world.

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