
Will Subway kill my strict diet?

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I've been on a strict diet (200 calories or less) and drinking only water. Now, however, I have a major craving for Subway and am considering getting a sandwich. I understand that Subway is considered a great way to lose weight, but I know it probably depends on the contents. All I get on my sub is lettuce, American cheese, and mayo (on Italian bread) Will eating a sub like that keep me fat or cause me to gain weight?




  1. Unless you weigh five hundred pounds, you need to eat a LOT more than 200 calories.

    The average person burns over a thousand a day just sitting.

    Why do I doubt the veracity of this post? Especially since you claimed in your other post to only eat 90 calories a day. Yep, this is likely BS.

  2. no it wont kill it but get the veggie delight it has lot of veggies and try wheat bread (better for you) lite mayo and very little of that...also instead of mayo use vineger and oil or ranch for flavor not too much and go to a 1000 calorie diet 200 is way too little and it will make dieting a lot harder because your body is starved just be gentle and eat health dont starve eat only 6 very small meals a day stay away from starches but 4 one meal day  

  3. No not at all. And you really need to eat more. Your body needs nutrients. Besides drinking only water, I get those little packets that you can mix into a bottle of water. They only have like 10 calories a packet. Subway is very healthy just as long as your not overdoing it on the mayo or getting something like a meatball sub. Seriously, eating only 200 calories a day is very unhealthy, please eat more or talk to a doctor.

  4. 200 calories is too little calories your body will go into starvation mode because you're not getting enough nutrients it will slow your metabolism and slow or even stop weight loss. the minimum calorie intake for a woman in order to get enough nutrients is 1200 cals and a sub is more than 200 calories so it will ruin your "strict" diet. I recommend going to it REALLY works and its completely free. i've already lost weight and ive been using it for only 2 weeks

    go here!!

  5. Are you meaning 2000 calories a day?  If so, then you should be alright with having a subway sandwich now and then.  Load up on the veggies and skip the mayo dressing.  

    My rule of thumb is to do your best to everything in moderation.  Our bodies DO need fat, calories, and salt to survive.

  6. You are on a strict diet that will cause you to become obese. This is what diets like this do. Your body will start holding onto every calorie you put into your body and will do so for the next several years, depending on how long you stay on this absurd diet! This is completely unhealthy and you will damage your body greatly!

    Ever look around and wonder how so many skinny young people became obese so fast in their late 20's and early 30's? They starved themselves and now are obese for the rest of their lives due to it!

    Not eating was the only common thing obese people have!  

  7. 200 calories isn't enough you are starving yourself it is suppose to be a 2000 calorie diet. ask them for the nutriton facts so you know what you can get.

  8. get a sub add whatever you want to add to it  , but leave out the mayo   it wont kill the diet

  9. You do realize that your weight loss will stall on a starvation diet? You might see initial weight loss on a starvation diet, but you don't see long-term weight loss and its impossible to keep the weight loss off once you go to maintenance. Starvation diets are the least successful, most dangerous diets out there.

    Adding calories will help you lose weight faster. Right now your body is holding on to the fat.

    Anything you gain off that Subway is salt weight and will be off in 2 days or less. You need to get your calories up if you want to lose weight long-term and keep it off.  

  10. Did you make a typo? 200 calories is too little to sustain you.  2000 may be a lot of calories but probably what you are really eating.

    Anyhoo - load up on the lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, onions and any other veggies,  Go light on everything else (mustard is fine to load up on) and you will be fine and satisfy the Subway cravings.    

  11. 200 calories or less is not healthy. Go to their web site or check out the calories there. They have some low fat/calorie subs.

  12. eating that little amount of food is not healthy and you are going to get sick.  when you start eating more you will gain all that weight you lost and then some.

    get the veggie sub with all the veggies, no cheese and no oil, mayo etc.  check their menu bc they will give you the caloric amount of everything.  

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