
Will Tasmania or the Northern Territory ever get an AFL team?

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Will Tasmania or the Northern Territory ever get an AFL team?




  1. Eventually, the AFL would like to have teams from every state and territory. There isn't too much of a culture of AFL in Tasmania, however, Aussie Rules is played in many Indigenous Communites in the Northern Territory, which could contribute to the forming of a team. This aside, it takes a lot more than just talent to make a team. A lot of money is required as are adequet facilites.

  2. It would be great if Hobart got a team but I haven't heard of any plans in the near future

  3. It would be brilliant to see the NT and Tassie get a team but early answerer was right in that it takes a lot of money to get a team up and running. So not likely in next couple of years but hopefully in a decade...

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