
Will Thai society accept my baby who will born without a father?

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Face it--many young girl in Thailand have pre-marital s*x. Well, I am 23 year old and pregnant. My BF does not want to have a baby. I want to keep the baby. Will Thai society accept my baby?

He won't marry me.




  1. They can accept you, but they can not accept these questions you are asking here.

  2. Honestely, this man doesn't deserve you. I mean he is not a man.

    And you shouldn't worry what people or society thinks! Be confident in everything you do, the way you carry yourself, and I promise people =will respect you/

    Remember the society is not going to live your life for you, love for you or feel your fears, ONLY you, so DO what YOU want, what you feel is right and be HAPPY! Live your life the way you want, it is your choice to let anyone put you down. Stand up with the choice you make, head up high and smile.

    YOu will see the difference!!!!!

    And you will find a man that deserves you. Be strong!!!!

  3. If you are Thai, you already know the answer to this question.

    Furthermore you would not ask it in a forum dominated by farang men, a fair number of them which are s*x tourists in Thailand.

    If you have a genuine concern, you would discuss it with elders within your own community, perhaps seek the cuonsel of a monk.

  4. Number of children born out of wedlock increases rapidly.  You will find yourselves among many other girls.  Don't worry... just do the best job as a mom.

    What you should know is legal issues.  If the father denies his responsibility, you have 2 choices:

    1. Raise the baby on your own, never want to contact him anymore.  In this case, you are not legally married, so the baby is all yours.  When the baby is born, he/she will use your family name.  In his/her birth certificate, on the father name, put "ไม่ปรากฏ".  This way, he cannot claim any right in the baby later.

    2. If you want him to pay child support.  Same with number 1. After the baby is born, you must provide evidenced supporting the fact that he's been in a relationship with you during the time of conception.  File paternity suit for DNA test.  When DNA result comes out, file to family court for child support.  Remember if you file for child support, he will have the right to the baby as much as you do.

    If you need more info, contact me at

  5. I am also 23 years old. Well, you are an adult. There are so many Thai girls who get pregnant at young age. Especially, those who do not pursue higher education.

    I grew up in a conservative/traditional background. I do believe it is unacceptable for a Thai woman to have a baby without a father. You need to talk to your BF. He must take the responsibilities because it is his baby too. I suggest you to talk to his family. Good luck!

  6. There are many children in Thailand  without mothers or fathers.Also   many of the children in Thai orphanages have one or both parents still living; parents may be impoverished, imprisoned, or otherwise unable to care for a child.

    Having a single parent is nothing new in Thailand so I'm sure Thai society will accept your baby.

  7. If the father of you baby is a Farang make sure you get all of the information on him that you can before he runs out on you!  The country the foreigner comes from may (or may not) help you collect child support.  More information on the guy you have the better it is.

    If your baby's father is Thai then good luck to you, from what I have seen over the past 13 years it is very difficult for Thai women to get their baby's fathers to pay anything unless he is willing to do so!

    One of the reasons you see so many women working in beer bars in Pattaya and Bangkok is because some low life sperm donor is not "man enough" to support his kids!  Making kids doesn't make a male a man, paying for their support and being a father does!

    Other than needing more money than you expected you won't have a problem being accepted.  Many Thai women in this position have mothers, aunts or older sisters that watch the children while you earn a living.  You have another 18 years to pay for this kid, might as well get used to it.

    Hope things work out.

  8. Well Mary if your baby doesn't have a father it must be the second coming.

    Many many many Thai women have babies and no husband.  That's the engine that drives the s*x tourism industry.   I myself am married and don't frequent those places. Easy divorces too.  (One hour at the Government Office).  Of course your baby will be accepted.  Chok Dee.

    Hey don't shoot me I'm just telling the truth.

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