
Will The Nightmare Before Christmas be coming back 2 theaters?

by Guest59297  |  earlier

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Will The Nightmare Before Christmas come back to 3D theaters this year around Halloween?




  1. I'm pretty sure they are. If they don't, Dan Harkins is missing out on another money haul.

    Two years ago, I went to the El Capitan theatre in LA to see Nightmare on the big screen and I e-mail Harkins if they could play Nightmare Before Christmas around Halloween because a lot of people LOVE that film. He responded by saying "No, we wouldn't make that much money."

    A year later, they release Nightmare Before Christmas in 3-D (no lie) the line to buy tickets encircled the building and the first two days it was open sold out! So I think Dan Harkins learned to never underestimate the powers of Tim Burton! :P

  2. Yes, opens Oct 24, 2008

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