
Will The Palin pregnancy issue change your vote?

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Will The Palin pregnancy issue change your vote?




  1. Of course not.

  2. No.....Obama's mother had him at 18 and his dad disappeared and I don't hold him accountable.

    Obama did drugs when young so that means anyone make mistakes.....

  3. Neither Palin nor her daughter are actually running.  This has NOTHING to do with the election.

    Obama was bor when his mom was a teen... but THAT isnt brought up...

  4. No, I was voting for Obama.

    You will now begin to see fewer YA questions promoting Sarah Palin.  I think McCain will throw her under the bus by the end of the week.

  5. No.

  6. Not at all. She was an unqualified bimbo before, now she is an unqualified bimbo with an unmarried pregnant daughter. Either way, not the stuff for the vice presidency.  

  7. Has just reinforced mine. Can't run on a claim of family values if you 17 year old is giving it up lol.

  8. It mostly already has.

    I was never voting for McCain, but the absolute base, vile, angry, aggressive nature of the attacks on Palin over this baby flap, mixed with the perverse joy of a hurricane hitting during the GOP convention, has proven to me that Obama's camp is NOT the agent of change, is NOT the new kind of politics, that was promised.

    I already didn't want to be associated with McCain's camp, but now I no longer want to be associated with Obama's supporters, either.

    So, yeah, the pregnancy issue changed my vote, but not by drawing me toward or pushing me away from Palin herself. It showed me what Obama supporters were really all about and pushed me out of his camp and into the arms of a third party.

  9. No , females get pregnant every day.

  10. If you think you can find someone today who is squeaky clean and also his entire family you are sadly mistaken. Given that most people

    give birth to kids out of wedlock today and the majority of them are

    teens there is nothing new in that. I will be voting for Obama anyway but if I was going to vote that ticket it wouldn't change my mind. As the Bible says He who is without sin cast the first stone. And none of us is without sin.

  11. no I didn't change my vote when I found out Bill Clintons brother was a drug addict

  12. Ohh it is for the Christian vote!

  13. If I were to vote the Rep. ticket, it wouldn't matter. Parents do the best they can and children don't always listen. My twin sister and I --raised by the same parents -- are entirely opposite. Some children are just head strong. By the way, where is the link that says Obama's camp is responsible for this news?  Obama-Biden 08

  14. Why would it?...I'm voting for McCain, I like Palin, I'm not voting for Palin's daughter, A VP candidate's child's pregnancy has nothing to do with the election, the issues, my views, or politics in any way

  15. No.

    Even if it were the other way around. silliness.  

  16. No.  I've been an Obama supporter from day one.

  17. Wasn't voting for them before, still not now.

    That being said, if I was voting for McCain before, this would not change my mind.  I would actually be a little more willing to vote since I was a teen mother as well and I can relate.  But that's all I can relate to.

  18. How dumb are you to say, "well Obama's mom had him when she was 18!" How could he have helped that? Maybe Palin should have paid attention to her family instead of trying to be super girl. Her daughter did it for attention and Palin's an idiot for still going ahead with running for VP. But hey, we all knew that anyways!

  19. i think McCain needs to choose a different person as his vp  

  20. Nope. I'm STILL not voting for any 'publican!

  21. Yes--- If she can't control what goes on in her on house, then how can we expect her to run the whole country if need be..

    Or wait was this a planned Pregnancy if so then yes

  22. Not at all. I am still voting for Obama/Biden '08!

  23. sure does!

    I VOTE YES!!!!!!!!!!!

    This just makes me love them that much more, they are TRUE down to earth american family and proof that no MATTER you raise a child, they will do as they do. you will understand if you ever have kids.

    h**l yes, bring on Palin! the TRUE american who REALLY knows what its like in mainstream america!!!

  24. Not me. But others... You bet. Especially, the Christian Vote.

  25. Nope. I'm still voting for Obama

  26. Not mind but some Conservatives are taking a second look at her.

  27. No, of course not.  I seriously doubt that many other conservatives will change their minds either - unless she takes her daughter to the abortion clinic.

  28. the question is

    BTW this is like the 10th time someone has asked this

    get over've lost the election

  29. Unfortunately, I'm not old enough to vote. But it wouldn't, considering I've been for Obama since day one.

    I just need to disagree with someone. One person said that "It doesn't matter since neither Palin or her daughter are running." I believe that Palins IS running for vice president - a kind of important position considering the age of McCain.

    So it DOES kind of matter. -cough-

  30. You're right! It won't effect either sides votes..  

  31. Are you kidding me?  Of course not.

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