
Will The Squeaking Go Away?

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Hi, I just bought some Ted Baker trainers which are velcro and keep on squeaking, How long will it take for this noise to go away? I am going out tonight and would like it to be gone by then, I am wearing them now and will carry on doing so all night and I will be going out between 6.30 & 7, will that be enough time?


Sam (A Londoner)




  1. Take them back to where you got them, the squeak may not go away at all, then you are left wearing squeaky shoes forever.

  2. My shoes only squeak when they're wet; take them off and let them dry out.

  3. its just because they are new and most new things do become more fitted once you have used them for some time but i don't think your trainers will stop making a noise by tonight sorry but most new things take at least 2 days to fit better or to stop making a noise >-<

  4. take em back...mate of mine had same prob and everytime he walked it was as if it'd been raining and all the water was inside...turned alot of girls of

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