
Will The United Nations drop me as an ambassador if I adopt a rich child from a first world country?

by Guest64313  |  earlier

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I don't need anymore bad publicity but I desperately need a child from a good home.




  1. you can adopt me. I come from a over priviledged family and need lots of love from you!

  2. Honey you can adopt me. They won't bother you then . Just tell Brad that he'll have to sleep in the guest room while I suckle.

  3. Angie -

    children are not ornaments.

    Time to put up or shut up - either be a full time mommy or find the kids a decent home and adopt them out to someone else.

    Now, get your buns back in bed!

    I miss my little s*x-kitten!

    --signed, Brad Pitt

  4. No. Due to the overwhelming number of rich kids needing adoption (ie, Hiltons, Spears, Jackson, Gates etc...) reaching now a crisis level worldwide, any single action by an individual to save one of them is greatly appreciated and rewarded.

  5. i think not..if this child has a good home..why do you need to adopt him/her

  6. well,good luck with finding a rich child to adopt.....

  7. You are so hot!!!!

  8. No. The fact that you now look like a starving war refugee will make up for the rich, plump child. It keeps things in balance.

  9. I don't think so. I think in terms of previous adoptions, you have done more good than harm. Go for it.

  10. can i have your autograph?

  11. First world country i'm sure your talking about the USA,you can't adopt a rich child secondly unless you get a hold of Anna Nicole Smiths daughter.And if you need a child so badly as you say,search around for a child that less fortunate as yourself if you are who you appear to be? But this is yahoo and most of us are full of SH_T anyways. Good luck

  12. I so cannot believe this is Angelina Jolie - why would you ask for opinion from here? By default - children up for adoption are mostly not from good homes - otherwise they would not be for adoption

  13. I'm 48 but I will gladly be adopted. Please........

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  15. lol You are ssooooooo not Angelina Jolie

  16. Rich children don't need adoption.

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