
Will The United States fall into a reset ion next year?

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America economy seems like its going to crash soon.




  1. It already fell into a recession this year!  

    We are on the brink of the worst economic decline since 1973-1974,  and I would not be surprised this one will be far worse.

    I sure wish I had not bought a house, and had all my assets in money market funds instead of stocks.  But I'm stuck -  just like tens of millions of others in the situation.


  2. No, but it will most likely go into a recession.

    If we continue the war in Iraq, increased borrowing will make the dollar weaker driving oil prices even higher. If we pull out of Iraq, military industrial spending will dramatically slow down, creating lower profits and unemployment. No way out as I see it

  3. Its going into a damned depresion because all are money is worth is the promise from abunch of cheap investors {the fed} who want to only keep their jobs because they pay a ton. We should not rely on men but natural forces to run are curency that is what china and europe are doing. Backing their money with gold. Thats what we used to do when a twenty dollar bill could actually buy you something. But since the 1930's the communist such as FD Rosevelt and R Nixon first took are gold away and then took us off the gold standard. The reason is is that gold provides security and FD Rosevelt and R Nixon being the communist they are don't want are money to be secure. They want the power and security and they want us to suffer for their want of greed.

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