
Will The White Man Have A Chance If Obama Is Elected ??? ?

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  1. I don't get the question... a chance at what?

    White men will be THE MINORITY in very few years. That has nothing to do with Obama being elected President.  

  2. The White Man will have just as much a chance if McCain is elected!

    Why Not?

  3. A chance to pay reperations out of his paycheck.

  4. Not on the cabinet.

  5. Ron Paul has more integrity than the other candidates put together, people will realize when its to late that Ron Paul was Americas last chance...welcome to new world order people, nobody will have a chance except the elite.

  6. Yes, Obama knows who butters his bread!

  7. Anyone that thinks if Obama is elected will have any impact on race relations are complete fools. Obama's election would not help nor hinder race relationships.

  8. You had better think about Palin.

    She will castrate you and McCains health is questionable.

      You'd be safer with Obama.

  9. Don't fool yourself

    to the rich in America----YOU ARE NOT CONSIDERED WHITE

  10. Most likely NOT!

  11. No whites wont. We are gonna be the minority soon...and with a black president it will probably happen sooner!!!!!

  12. A chance at what?

    Finding a job?  Yes... of course.  Nothings going to change in business.

  13. Well I'm a White Woman, and I'm not losing any chances at anything...that is as long as Obama takes office.  

  14. Did the black man have a chance with the last 43 white Presidents?

  15. I don't think Obama threatens the "white man."  I wanted to vote for McCain, but his poor snap judgment in choosing Palin has persuaded me that he cannot be trusted to make major decisions for the country.

  16. No I do not fear that if I vote for Obama that the white man will not have a chance. What I do fear is that because terrorist attacked us when a Republican was in office that if we get a new Republican we will get a new attack, only this time it could come in the form of a mushroom cloud.

  17. wow do you think people are got to start lynching the "white man" ...

    do you think the rich i america are going to have to hand the fortunes to the "black man"....

    to them your not white or black your a number wake up...

  18. Obama ENDORSED Palin! In his DNC speech he boasted about negotiating with the Canadians the Natural Gas Pipeline and the jobs it created and how green it was........SARAH PALIN IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE NATURAL GAS PIPELINE! Thanks for the thumbs-up Obama!

  19. Obama is half white. His mum was white and dad was black.

    I see your question as racist.

  20. Yep, He or "SHE" will be told to shut up and pay.  Get back to work and do community service work because there are a lot of people we need to nuture on welfare.


    McCain/Palin 08

  21. You've identified Obama as YOUR enemy and that's the same as giving him the finger, but forgetting there are 3 other fingers pointing at you.

    The only people who won't have a chance are the overcompensated CEO's receiving tax exempt retirement bonuses and the Millionaires like the McCains who feel the "working class" make less than $5 million a year. Let's not forget that Obama wants to (at the very least) Spank the OIL Companies for their lack of initiative to do ANYTHING to ease the cost burden on the ones who feed them while they grow fat and lazy.

    I could debate the fundamental differences between the two candidates with you, but you would need a few more chromosomes in order for it to be a fair and level debating field.

    Because of this, I believe your question less than serious in nature.

  22. what kinda question is this.. you are still living in the past come on get a grip. Arrive  to the 21th century lol  

  23. doesnt matter anyways,whites will be a minority year 2050.good thing about that ill be dead and wont see what happens after you destroyed the country

  24. No, we won't.  We will be forced to watch reruns of "What's Happening?" and the "Cosby Show" over and over again.

    Looorrrrddd, help us all.  

    (Of course, I'm be sarcastic)

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