
Will The last act of the Bush Administration be tp pull the U.S Back into a Cold War with Russia?

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Or maybe just a HOT war?




  1. No, not unless Russia does something incredibly stupid but it's all up the them.

  2. Doubtful.

    It has been Democrat administrations that soured relations with Russia in th past.

    BTW - you are aware the two Presidents who almost started wars with Russia were both Democrats?  (Kennedy and Clinton.)

  3. No that is Russia's doing.

  4. no not really

  5. We're pretty much there right now. If that means his administration ends tomorrow, then it might be a fair trade off. If he refuses to resign and serves until next January, then it will just be another in his long list of failures.

  6. you must have read the article too. we'll be lucky if american even makes it to another election.

  7. I think his last act will be to pardon the hundreds of crooks in his administraation from future prosecution, including Cheney and himself.

  8. We still are in a Cold War with Russia. Those b******s say they are our allies, but then they turn around and sell Kalashnikov weapons to our enemy! I bet you that if we suddenly ceased to have nukes, they would attack us.

  9. The biggest proponent of a renewed cold war with Russia is Obama's advisor Zbignew Brzenzski

  10. I must be out of the loop. I thought our impending wars were with Iran, North Korea, and China. Must not be too important or Rush and Sean would've been talking about it. ;-)

    Perhaps you should go back to painting your toenails and not worry  your pretty little head over politics.

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