
Will This Be Reasonable For Calling Off Work?

by  |  earlier

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I sort of asked this in my previous question, But I have an abcess/boil under my arm that is open and hurting like crazy! They gave me meds at the hospital that arent seeming to help for pain, Im just wondering if my job will be okay with me calling off, I come in everyday on time, How many days do you think I'll have to call in? This sucks! By the way, Im a house keeper for a hotel..




  1. I think it would be reasonable not to be expected to come into work if it hurts that much. Can't the doctor lance it for you?

    Besides, it's possibly infectious? Don't wanna spread it round the hotel eh.

  2. If you have paid sick days then by all means call off.  I hope you feel better soon....that sucks

  3. Probably not because even though you are in pain it is not a good reason to be off of work. You will not infect your guests so it is doubtful that it will interfere with your duties

    If they do allow you to have off you MUST provide your employer with a note from your physician stating how long you may have off..

    I am a CCMA and I can tell you that a physician will give you NO more than 2 days off work

    Contributor Man: Not funny for one and most employers

    ( Not in fast food) require documentation for that too.

  4. yeah its reasonable coz it involves your health

  5. uhhh

    if you really think it'll inhibit your ability to do your job correctly then sure.

  6. Yes

  7. Depends on how many sick days you are entitled to.  Try putting some neosporin on the boil and drawing it out.

  8. no

  9. Tell them your Grandma died.  Bosses are always suckers for old people.  Good luck!

  10. Hopefully, you work for an understanding boss and there is someone to take over the extra workload.  I would suspect since you have a good record of attendance, it will not be an issue.

    The other concern is that you need time to heal.  If you were given something for pain, it may make you drowsy and not safe for you to drive.  Plus, as a housekeeper, you are working hard and may aggravate the boil.  

    Will the doctor give you something in writing?  This may make it easier to document your absence.  Call the office and ask if they will fax something to your boss.

    Good luck and take care of yourself.  Your job is important to those of us who travel and appreciate what you do.

  11. I think you will probably be find but I would ask first they should let you get off unless the company sucks because its hard to clean rooms with a boil under your arm.

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