
Will This work Sagittarius and Sagittarius having a baby??

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I'm desperately in need of some reassurance that this partnership will work I'm a 24yr old Sagittarius and just found out I'm having a baby with my 25yr old Sag boyfriend can we survive and have a happy family???




  1. If you're looking to astrology to answer this question then don't stop with the Sun sign.  This is what people refer to when they say they were born under a certain sign, because it is where the Sun was located at their birth.  But there's a lot more to a person's astrological influences than the Sun sign.  There are astrology websites out there where you can get your and his natal charts drawn up and checked for compatibility if you're interested.  I'd start with and look around from there.

    Don't worry about the person who said "if you have to ask this question you shouldn't have had a baby with him"--it's a bit late to worry about that now.  The situation is what you make of it, ultimately.  All the chart will tell you is someone's typical *style* of dealing with life, but within that description you have a lot of wiggle room and so does he.  So don't let your perceived limitations become an excuse for not doing what needs to be done to give your baby the best start possible.  Good luck.

  2. Don't trust star signs, they don't work. I have two friends who are both leo and they couldn't be more different. You shouldn't be restrained by what the star signs dictate you should and shouldn't do. If you have a great relationship then that's fantastic, you don't need reassurance from the stars to know if it will work or not. If you know each other well enough you will know if it will work or not.

  3. Sagittarius and Sagittarius love compatibility

    This is a remarkable, but unpredictable combination. There is always something "being prepared in their kitchen". The unpredictability that is peculiar for both may result in demonstration of the worst features. Their tireless natures will require freedom from each other sooner or later. In the bedroom they each have and open mind about s*x and anything goes, even an orgy. They are like two wandering ships which can't sail together. This won't last long time but they'll be good fellows when the fun is over.  

  4. all the sagittarian couples i know of have great relationships, actually

    im a sag too

  5. Yes.

    My Grandma and Grandpa were both Sagittarius. He was on the 27th Nov and she was on the 28th.

    They had a solid, strong relationship and were an excellent couple.

  6. if ur asking that u should have never had a baby with him

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