
Will Tiger Woods make the cut at Torrey Pines next week?

by  |  earlier

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He's been off for a while, the knee has not healed, he'll be paired with Mickelson and Scott on Thursday and Friday, that's a lot to deal with....

Any insight?




  1. I certainly think that he'll make cut, but doubt the he'll win. I'm just not sure how much he'll trust the knee.

  2. I'm a fan of Tiger but with the injury, I don't think he will make the cut. Even though Torrey Pines is one of his dominating courses, he will probably be one shot over the cut line.

  3. I'm picking him to win it in my I obviously think he will make the cut, the only thing that worries me is how long it will take him to shake the rust, I think the venue will help immensely since he owns the place basically so being comfortable won't be an issue...I'm more concerned with him not winning it than him not making the cut....hopefully I'm not giving him too much credit, with Tiger nobody should be surprised if he's holding the trophy June 15th at 4pm

  4. its tiger woods he choses what he wants to play in

  5. Look, regardless of what the media has brainwashed you into believing about Wood, you need to realize he's peaked ; simple as that. He's on his way DOWN.. So stop sensationalizing old Eldrick. If JACK had nearly as much media support, attention & endorsements, you'd only regard Wood as another competitor in this age. However Jack is the epitomy of CLASS ; something Wood doesn't recognize when it hits him in the grille. He is too stuck on himself.  At times he won't even throw someone a twenty to carry his bag ! You'll soon observe what goes around comes around.. Wood is faltering now. He never showed me anything with a putter anyhow. He has a full platter now. He's beginning to lose focus, nerve & sharpness. He is getting overwhelmed. Further, there are too many excellent competitors now, young & older. If he can even show up next week, he will fail to be competitive ; most likely missing the cut  AGAIN for a major. I'm telling you, he's on his way down & will never challenge Jack's 18 major titles.  Syanara Wood !

  6. I think unlike the year his dad passed away, Tiger's layoff won't hurt him so much.  He has experience out the wazoo, he knows the course and he hasn't been sitting in the Barcalounger drinking brewskis, watching the Braves and eating Ding Dongs (like I would have been).

    He'll make the cut and will finish in the top 10.  Winning is not impossible for this guy.

  7. Yes, but he will not win.

  8. yupo

  9. i wouldnt know or care. i dont watch golf.

  10. Tiger is fine.  He has been off for 6 weeks and he know Torry Pines like the back of his hand.  Even if he is playing with Phil and Adam they will be more worried about him with a bad knee than he will be worried about them.

  11. Yes, I really support him so I say yes...the problem is his confidence. The course is really difficult so I really HOPE he'll make the cut !

    COME ON TIGER !!!!

  12. Tiger will struggle.  He isn't 100%, so he won't be able to go after it full tilt.

    And, most pros will contend, your short game, finesse and touch is always a tad off after a long lay-off.

    It's 50/50 whether Tiger makes the cut.  I bet he won't.  But, either way, he won't contend.

  13. 1. He OWNS Torrey

    2. He's played through knee pain before the surgery, he'll do it after the surgery

    3. He's Tiger- he can do what he wants if he really wants it

    4. I don't think Tiger would come back if he weren't confident in his swing and his chances (and his knee)

    5. Golf is easier the more confident you are

    All of this =  TIGER WINS!!!!!!

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