
Will Todd Palin (Wikipedia article on his Alaskan ancestry) be the first VP spouse with Native tribal affil.?

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Here's some of the discussion from the "Sarah Palin" Wiki article - -

"He is 1/8 Yup'ik. His mother is 1/4. He's only an "indigenous Alaskan" because he was born there. To quote the Anchorage Daily News, "Palin was born in the western Alaska town of Dillingham to Jim Palin and Blanche Kallstrom, who is a quarter Yu'pik Eskimo."

His mother (Blanche Palin) has Native tribal affiliation through her mother (Helena Andree).

By the way, McCain is on a major legislative committee on Bureau of Indian Affairs. . .or used to be.




  1. You're right. He would be the first Native spouse. Until now, the highest a Native made it was to Senior Senator status (Ben Nighthorse Campbell).

  2. No, because Obama's going to win the election.

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