
Will Tom Watson get an invite to the US Open?

by Stevie Colts  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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Surely he's proved he's worthy of a special exemption?




  1. Sports_Guide
    Whether or not Watson will receive an invite is still up in the air at the moment, with the committee set to consider an invite for Watson in April.  Mike Davis, senior director of rules and competition, said: "They feel like if there's any special exemption, they want to look at it closer to the time of the Open." The last player to receive such an invite was Zimbabwe's Nick Price, in 2005. But after Watson's performance at the Open last year, where he narrowly lost out to Stewart Cink, the veteran American has proved he can still be a force to be reckoned with at the big events. Inviting Watson would certainly be a popular move.

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