
Will Tonight Be Hillary Clintons Most Embarassing Having to Endorse A Two Bit Community Organizer?

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Tonight might even be more embarrassing than the night she saw the stains on the "Blue Dress".




  1. She wasn't popular enough otherwise she wouldn't have lost to Obama.

    She should have exited earlier and more gracefully.  

  2. While I'm no fan of Hillary and would never have voted for her, I am actually, at this point, feeling sorry for her.

    For 16 years, her and her husband were practically royalty in the liberal democrat world.

    Then a slick-talking huckster comes along and deceives all the progressives into investing lots of emotion into the historic significance of electing the first black president.  

    Simply because she ran against this smarmy used car salesman, she was transformed into an old hag in the perception of her former fans, who apparently have all the loyalty of the "popular crowd" in high school.

    Again, don't agree with her politics. Just a compassionate conservative.


  4. One thing I can say for Hillary that I can't say for some of her bitter supporters, she has class and knows how to do the right thing even if it hurts.  I pray she gets a top position in the Obama administration.  She has earned it.  Not only did she suffer and disappointing lose but she has to come out and support her opponent and say good things about him.  That is putting your country first.


  6. She doesn't have to support the Messiah.

  7. This woman has suffered greater humiliation from her this should be a cakewalk

  8. First of all she doesn't have to endorse him.

    Second of all,the only reason she lost is because Barry stold Michigan and Florida.

    Third of all,grow up!

  9. Get over it already..........

  10. No reason for her to be embarrassed she did a great job.....she just didn't make it.....NOW lets move on and vote for the man who WILL!  And for all those who now want to vote for mccain because Hillary didn't make it.............GROW UP!

  11. McCain 08

  12. Hillary is playing the political game right now, She is doing as little as she can do because she wants another shot in 2012. So she is not going to be embarrassed she is over it. She is looking forward to her ambition to be the first woman President. She said it herself during her campaign. My father taught me to never give up.    

  13. Hillary will embarrass herself as her great shrill ego oozes over the top of the podium and smothers every living breath out of the audience.

    Then she will devour their cocooned bodies and squeeze her way back out through one of the stadium doors.

  14. Ok, so here's the thing.



    She's being the bigger person and coming out and supporting the man who the people have decided would give the best chance of winning.  If Obama had lost, I promise you that he would come out swinging on the side of Clinton.  Please.  They are so similar in what they stand for, I really don't understand why this is such a huge issue.  They may have differed on 2 issues.  Dont' tell me that those 2 issues are enough to make any self proclaimed democrat vote for john mccain!  I don't buy it.    Please, Hillary is over it, or is at least supporting what her party's people have decided.  I urge people to go with Obama, because we will  all regret it, if mccain wins.

  15. she is the stupidest woman alive and should never have considered running. GO MCCAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. I hate to see her do this, she can't possibly mean the words she is going to have to say tonight!  As rotten as the Democratic party treated her, she is still in their camp, so guess if she wants to stay there she will almost have to do it or look like a poor loser.

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