
Will Tropical Storm (Hurricane?) Fay Hit North Carolina?

by Guest67043  |  earlier

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And if it hits how much damage should it bring. I live in Fayetteville, NC and I'm from California so I'm not used to extreme whether. How much will we have to put up with on this end? Thanks!




  1. If it hits NC is will likely be down to a tropical depression.  It will make landfall over Florida and then proceed over land.  As it moves across land it will lose energy.  All you should face in Fayetville, NC is some wind and rain, nothing major.  You can track Fay's progress at:

  2. hope cousins live in N.C

  3. Not likely.  It now appears that Fay, or what's left of her, will gradually slow down and stop before it gets up there, due to a building area of high pressure expected over the eastern U.S. over the next few days.  This will effectively block Fay from making progress northward.  

  4. I live in Raleigh, and we probably wont even get any rain from it so dont worry. theres nothing that can happen that is extreme

  5. 6pm news est.said it will veer off toward Atlanta.You will have high pressure.Yipee!

  6. nope its supposed to hang around florida and head off into the gulf then just become a rain maker.... They might get some of the rain from it but besides florida will get the rain wind and strong weather. I live here and thats what they are saying .... its been raining here all day and the winds are starting to pick up ... looks like im in for a long night :)

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