
Will U.S. go to war with Russia?

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i literally wake up every morning wanting to see a fight or a war.

dont ask me why, its the way god made me.

since russia invaded georgia (the country) do you think we will defend georgia? remember, georgia is our ally, and we were for there request to join nato.




  1. The only reason we arnt doing so hot in iraq is because its all ambushs u morons, and we dont even have a full army out there. We are severly limited on troops. we need a draft, this would have been done and over with if we wernt trying to gamble politics over it

    And i hope we dont go to war with russia, sometimg tells me we will, but im hoping im wrong, china might hop on that band wagon.

    And all of western europe will cower under the us for protection because they have almost no military left.

  2. wow bonsai your right, i mean h**l we've lost what about 4000 american lives in iraq over the course of 7 years? Dang man your right, we're screwed, i mean weve only killed tens of thousands of insurgents and terrorists and caught saddam insane, yep, it looks like america doesnt know how to wage a war. shame shame.

    And no, no war with russia.  

  3. As for us standing up for Georgia, unfortunately I doubt it as it is kind of a tricky deal.  BUT the big issue to watch is what China does to Taiwan after these events and seeing how it is handled.

    Also honestly Russia would win.  If not for the CNN’s MSNBC’s, Fox News, etc.  A war is a war.  This whole false image of a civil/humane war approach we keep trying to achieve could one day (Like Iraq & Afgan.) really back fire on us.

    Back to basics.  War equals death.  Drop the BS and get back to business.  Kick the media out and get the job done with minimal losses.  Period!  If we stepped past the whole image thing (Which is stupid) then yes we could and would beat Russia in a fight.

    The US really has turned into a country of wimps with everyone calling out for this or that.  Take the space program and the losers screaming “its not safe”  no S**t but THEY those to do it, heck I would in a  heartbeat!  Point being we need to cut this PC bs out and do what needs to be done.

    Grr.. Rant done...

  4. This is to anyone who thinks that a war with Russia, or any other large counrty at this point is winnable. It hurts me to say this as a veteran of our armed forces, and having fought with Georgian troops, and trained with Russian and Polish troops in Torgau (joint live-fire exercise with the Russian and U.S. Military), With the current state and commitments of our military forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, we would not be able to alone sustain any type of large operation against Russia.

    Its not about numbers, or military manpower as the current Iraq war has proven. Its about tactics. The United States has a bad track record with Guerilla Tactics, and Brute Force attacks. And Russia has been watching...The only country with more active spies inside the United States is China. And of course, China would not join in the fray outright, but believe it would supply Russia with any intelligence it has gathered and continues to gather. And yes we have a large amount of available military manpower, however, the number you forgot to quote was the number of Average Yearly Available Military Manpower, which we only outnumber slightly in Russia. And no figures we gain from Russia are completely accurate, with the corruption and deception by the SVR (former KGB) and other Russian Political Security Forces, we cannot trust any numbers coming out of that country.

    Dmitri Medvedev, the current Russian president, is a dangerous man, not in his own right, but his desire to please his mentor Vladmir Putin could potentially jeopardize any countries in that region, which makes the situation even more precarious. My theory is that Russia had this planned all along, and waited, not only for the U.S. forces traning in Georgia to leave (On August 4th) to attack the county. Because if Russia deliberately attacked the US, the response from the rest of the world would be overwheming. But so would the destruction, in the end no one wins.

    Because a war between the US and Russia would most certainly go nuclear either intentionally or unintentionally, and no one wins a nuclear war. Its called MAD or (Mutually Assured Destruction). Read about that before you go saying that we can demolish a country.  

  5. I hope not. At this point we'd lose the war. Russia would be willing to fight a real war. They wouldn't care what innocent people were harmed in the process or what CNN, Nancy Pelosi or any other liberal thought of their actions. They'd fight to win.

    I think you'll see more of a cold war again. Russia has already begun moving nukes into Cuba. If you haven't seen it check out the move Charlie Wilson's War. I think you'd see us fight that way.

  6. I think we should support Georgia--even though it will hurt us in way with the beggining of a Depresion all we can do is watch and hope our goverment knows what to do  

  7. We spent like 40 some years avoiding that, so I don't think so.

  8. uh not likely with our forces in full effect in the middle east

  9. To the fool above. Do you not read? The USA will not win, no one will win. Do you not know what a nuclear war is? You will be dead within minutes. Russia has just realigned its 6681 nuclear weapons (the most in the world) back at the "west". This are long range and will reach YOU where ever you are in the USA within minutes. You, your family, your friends, will be dead within minutes.

    Do not, under any circumstances wherever you are allow such a thing to happen. Dicky Cheny believes that a "limited" nuclear war is winable with "acceptable" casualties of 300, 000, 000 Americans plus  (the only survivors will be politicians in bunkers unable to come out for years.

  10. **** man i really hope the yanks dont decide to go too war with Russia.

    because that means the UK will also have to step in, and if there was one country i wouldent want war with it would be russia.

    and U.S please stop being to nieve to think that you would walk over russia. because russia will be very hard even without there allies.

    but russia with china and korea as allies is virtually impossible. yes U.S has better technology and with us Brittish helping we are a massive force but imagine if korea china call up all citizens as soldiers and russia use there "Big" weapons agaist american or more likly brittish soil. basically we are ******.  but also i dont want us to sit and watch russia invade the georgians. and them russia think they can do what they like.

    and by the way. the reason america and uk cant beat iraq is because we cant ******* attak them. if it was a full out war we would literally just walk throught them slaughtering everyone and everything. do be fooled by whats happning if it came to it and we had to win the war against iraq in 3 days we would do it with time to spare with a massive fullout attack.

    one last thing..........will america please stop ******* with the world because anything you do we UK/Scottish follow we are basically b*****s too the US goverment

  11. If we do go to war with Russian and win. NO MORE HIGH GAS PRICES!!! YAAAAAAAY!

  12. Since Georgia isn't yet apart of NATO the USA wont go to war for the invasion. The biggest thing the USA is doing is requesting a cease-fire between the 2. I don't think this will lead to America going to war, since it would lead probaly to WW3, but i hope that we do go and protect our ally from those dang Russians

  13. We should, Georgia is one of our allies and Russia has already jumped the borders of South Ossetia and is in the process of heading for Georgias capitol. Russias military there is not a peacekeeping force as they say it is, its a invasion force. and all the U.N. wants to do is comdemm Russia. But we will probably not do antything  

  14. If 3000 rag tag Taliban can kick our back side for now 7 years in Afhganistan and 500 insurgents can blow our humvees and helicopters up at will in Iraq, what do you think a 5 Million standing hard core military is going to do with our soft bodied, obese red necks, who die under friendly fire like flies, before the engage the enemy?

  15. I think this is a more complex question than most people think...

    Not only will China, and N. Korea join Russia... but Cuba, Venezuela, and Iran would also join in or do what they want with their neighbors.   Aka Venezuela (would attack Columbia)  Iran would attack Iraq and Isreal, China would attack Japan, N. Korea would attack S. Korea, ETC... it would basically be a free for all....

    I mean it really becomes that big of a problem when you have the rest of the Axis of Evil (Iran, N. Korea, and China) with their fingers on the trigger.  

    The only way to avoid this is for NATO or the U.N. to go to war with Russia... not individual countries.

    The upside of things:  The French actually have new leadership that may have a backbone and says it supports the U.S.   The U.K has always been a strong supporter.   The rest of the E.U. would likely join in on a NATO or U.N. lead defensive war.  

    India and even Pakistan would likely enter the war and China would be crazy to join Russia at that point.   India, Pakistan, Japan and S. Korea would be plenty capable of defeating China on their own.   Regardless if Iran or N. Korea join in.  

    The E.U. and U.S. would be able to effectively crush Russia with or without a draft... however it would be wise to institute a draft to shore up any long term doubt.  

    Having said all this... I hope Russia withdraws ASAP... they most likely are doing this to test their new and old equipment (since they have not been thoroughly maintained and operated in the last 15 years).   They may be striking hard in Georgia to prep themselves for things to come... aka Military games at someone else's (Georgia's) expense.   This will certainly aid them in developing their new combat weapons (which they are selling like hot cakes around the world)   They currently are engaged in tryouts/competitions for huge military equipment contracts with many Asian and European nations, which would greatly stimulate their economy if they win the contracts.  

  16. Of course not. We would be nuked to death by Russia. We absolutely have no chance against Russia due to the fact that we're already bankrupt.

  17. what me and my fiancee have to say

  18. War today is not based on ideology it is based on profit, a war with Russia is not profitable in financial terms. It is profitable to exploit the fear of the American People, they think less and do what authority tells them to. Just like the red scare, or the talk that terrorist are everywhere.

  19. You know something i have been in a middle of war and it is no fun, i have always believed since i was younger that the world will end in a world war 3, sadly i think it is possible but the numbers don't really count for much, remember if they go to war it will go, and i repeat it will go nuclear, and that will kill over millions, so i hope for all our sakes no one will push there luck and put there egos on the line.

    For the truth is the presidents should be the ones to be first in war and not hiding behind no desk they want a war let them be ahead of the herd holding that weapon let them show the others that they have the big guns and let them die with it.  

  20. The U.S. should NOT go to war with Russia because think about

    1.More than 4000 troops have already died from suicide bombings and RPG's in Iraq. (Russia has nukes and long range missles)

    2.We're having financial problems here

    3. Russia has more nukes then the U.S. and they dont give a F**K who they kill.

  21. dude that would so tottaly suck cause like all the gen y people would be drafted to fight and lose every thing we've worked for also so many of us would die because we wouldnt just have to worry about russia we would have to worry about russia's allies which I think are like china and north korea. dude with like all 3 of those countrys they might take the fight to Hawaii and probably the west coast.

  22. Not a chance in h**l. No way is America going to risk a war with a still considerable power like Russia; especially not since their military is dangerously overstretched in Afghanistan and Iraq.

    Georgia is not worth a potential WW III.

    And I pray for you that you never have to experience the horror of battle for even one day in your life. Stay safe, buddy.

  23. I'm pretty sure we don't have 100 million soldiers do we?

    I mean that's a third of the whole us population.

    People forget that The US has many allies as well.

    I thought china and russia hated each other but i guess i'm wrong.

    Overall though we can all agree that whatever happens, it isn't going to be good. No matter who "wins" the war, everyone loses.

  24. I don't understand why Obama can't call on his German friends who love him so much to step up and help out Georgia.  I mean all the Europeans do is whine about America and America is always the one who steps up for democracy to help out the underdog in the world.  Let Germany, or France go help.  Better yet , can't Obama , the messiah, just clap his hands and make Russia leave Georgia?  I mean after all, according to his own statement, he is the one.

  25. It doesn't really answer your question - and there are many other issues here that I will not go into - however, I am amazed by the inanity of many of the answers here: those that say the USA (why only the USA? Because it would be the only country insane enough to do so?) should enter a war or would win.

    I have no idea of the average age here but have you all forgotten nuclear weapons? Russia - the largest part of the former USSR - has the second largest supply of nuclear weapons in the world and one of the most advanced military forces. Russia is not one of the p**s-poor nearly third world  countries filled with camels that the USA and UK are so comfortable attacking.

    A war with Russia will commence with hundreds of thousands of deaths - both military and civilian - on both sides, with the destruction and domination of Europe to begin  will conclude with the death of the planet in a nuclear winter.

    Another thing, check the history of Georgia and recent events. This began because Georgia attack civilians and Russian UN sanctioned peacekeepers in the South Ossetia, using air and ground attacks on civilian targets.

    This is not Ghost Recon

  26. well i don't know much about this topic but from my point of view america will probably go to war with Russia and have a stalemate and it would probly end up with one of the country's losing their freedom   and if the us does go to war with Russia i hope they win.  

  27. if the US goes to war with Russia in the shape it is now i don't think wed win, prob end up in some sort of stalemate. if the draft started then that changes it all cause we now have the man power to operate all the nice little toys the military has stocked up. fact of the matter is our technology surpasses anything they got and we would steam roll there military into the ground. same goes for china they might have millions of soldiers but in the end wed obliterate them as well cause numbers don't win battles anymore, technology does.

    as far as Iraq and Afghanistan go it'll never end in victory. same situation as Vietnam. a US army cannot and will never win a guerilla war. to many ROE(rules of engagement) that they have to follow. if u took them away wed have a better chance but itd be 50-50 at best

  28. I don't think we'll go to war with Russia, but you never know.

    If we did go to war with them though, I'm pretty sure we'd kick their ******* ***. Even though my background is European, I was born here in America and I support this country every step of the way. I'm so sick of hearing all these Euro's say how bad a country we are, and that we would LOSE?? I don't think so. It's funny also how half the people who talk trash about us are our allies, when we're sticking our ******* necks out for you every step of the way AND YOU STILL ***** AND COMPLAIN.

  29. first off if US goes to war with Russia we would definetly pull most if not all our troops out of Iraq/Afganastan and put them in Russia. i think the US will win obv. all our technology and more troops. also if all that does happen it will spark WW3 becuz all our allies and thiers will jump in. that will also give out fear the many americans living in US becuz they gona be worried that they might be killed in a bombing or an invasion might happen. after all that said i think we should help Georgia thats what i think..

  30. anyone who ever thought the russians were our ally are f**king insane! Iraq and afghanistan aren't even a test for the us military.

    we could make a bloody radioactive cesspool out of russia. that being said it'll never come to that the only ones interested in using nukes are rogues or terrorist because of MAD theory that those dumbf*cks don't care about.

  31. i think it will happen and it will bring about WW3. the sad thing is we will have our asses kicked, we are having to much of a hard time with this small war right now, i don't know how well we will do in a all out war with a country like russia, but thats my 2 cents about it anyway

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