
Will UN be able to force (or enforce) USA pay war(crime) restitution to Iraq?

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USA got away without paying war restitution to Indochina Countries in the last lost Vietnam War, then left at least two millions of its former servants killed by communist. Millions more uprooted to other country around the world. The tear and the blood flowed after USA left Indochina.

Will UN have guts and power to force USA pay war restitution to Iraq to prevent the bloodshed to happen again?




  1. I thought UN started by the US. the UN force 60% is US army?

  2. The US did NOT commit war crime in Iraq, hence there is nothing to enforce.

  3. I asked a friend who was retired JAG lawyer if Bush could be tried for war crimes.  He said "no"  large powerful countries such as the U.S. had too much power to have officials tried for crimes.  I would certainly believe that meant the Country as well.

  4. UN has never enforced anything else have they?

  5. the UN is funded by all of its members, although the rich ones contribute with more money.. but it's not funded by the US.

    anyway, as said before, the decision of enforcing it would be taken by the Security Council, and the USA vote is special, just as the other 4 permanent members. so if the USA wants to veto, it will. so, this resolution would never be approved.

  6. The UN is located in the US and funded by the US. What do you think?

  7. UN rules are effective only for small and poor countries, but not for super power.

  8. are you kidding me? the only way that the UN can actually force some state to do something is by way of Security Council resolution which has a binding effect... this is of course will be subjected to the veto votes by its permanent members...

    and guess who is one of the state who is the permanent member? US... so if there is ever a day that the UN want to enforce a resolution that make US pay restitution to Iraqis, they will for sure veto it...

    there is  possibility that it might happen if the case is brought before the International Court of Justice of which the state of Iraq can ask for reparations for the injuries suffered by its citizens

  9. The question in itself makes no sense and the vote will never take place.

    Indeed, the USA is a permanent member of the Security Council and everything that is put on the agenda of the Security Council has to be approved by .... each of the five permanent members.

    Would the US approve a proposition of resolution that would condemn them? Certainly not.

  10. While Europe and USA control the world, UN is not going to be forced pay war crimes. If China, India and Rusia take the control of the the world, USA could pay war crimes because UN has declared illegal Iraq war.

  11. No, the UN will not be able to force or enforce the USA to pay war crime restitution.  The U.N. is a fairly weak entity when it comes to the major powers (mostly all those powers with permanent seats on the security council.)  Most of the jokers posting here have said incorrect information - the U.N. has enforced sanctions and peacekeeping missions, and the US giving humanitarian aid?  Please.  Surely not the government.  We promised residents of Fallujah we would rebuild their homes, and we haven't.  We promised electricity, we haven't given that.  We don't live up to anything we say.

    Back to the UN - they really have no measures to force this issue - it would undoubtedly go to the security council where the United States has veto power and you have to have unanimous voting to get anything passed.

    Go hegemony!!!

  12. The US`s invasion of Iraq in 1991 was supported by the UN, but the more recent unprovoked and unfounded attacked was not. The coaltion of the willing is not the UN.

    Unilateral invasion is a war crime. Deliberately targeting civillians and civillian infrastructure is a war crime. The US refuses to resign the Geneva Convention, thinks torture is a good idea, supports using land mines and cluster bombs and at least 50,000 ( and up to 600,000 ) deaths have resulted from the current Iraq fiasco.

    Unfortunately, the UN resoultions that the US dislikes are ignored. It is a convinient cover story for US foriegn policy at times but when it's inconvinient it is ignored. I would not be suprised if some kind of motion was made against the US, but they are only words that can't really be enforced.

    Sorry. I'm not very happy about it either. It's called realpolitic.

  13. America has no respect for a world democracy

    even though we pretend to idealize democracy

  14. The Vietnamese did not kill two million of their own people. This is completely untrue.

    The US war on Vietnam killed 4 million north and south. After the US left things got better, not worse.

  15. No- the UN can not order the US to pay anything to Iraq or any other country that it has wronged. The only body of the UN that can make demands is the Security Council and it won;t because the US is a permanent member

  16. Speaking of the UN I think its time we punted their sorry spying asses out of New York and send them to ANYWHERE else.. The UN is a joke and needs to be gone from the US.

    The US needs to tell the UN to kiss its behind and call it good.. The UN has this grandiose Idea that one day, from the UN, they will be the governing body for the entire world.

    As if..

  17. USA never respect UN resolutions. Only prays for gold, gold; NOT GOD.

  18. For our involvement in a UN action ???

    You are a tool and a fool. I would be willing to bet the USA has already done more as far as humanitarian aid to Iraq than the UN has provided in all of it's worldwide efforts combined.

  19. No -- There have been no war crimes committed.  You may think war is like a game of tag, but, it is a horrible bloody h**l.  Until you have been to war, I don't think you are fit to make such judgments.  Additionally, what forces does the UN have to enforce its will?  It seems to me that the only real commitment that has been made to the UN in the past has been from American troops.

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