
Will US customs confiscate a hookah (sheesha pipe) if used when coming through the country?

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Id be bringing it from outside the US then get a connecting flight through the United States then on to another country should i expect any problems?




  1. i get problems for a regualr tobbaco pipe, and it depends on what country you come threw i come to the states threw haiti and Jamaica often and they go after me like nuts, yes you may very well get stopped and questioneds for a few seconds and they will rip all your things apart but in the end they will let you go if its just for tobbaco and such and has no traces of illegal drugs if it has ever been used for such then your stupid to bring it the dogs will sniff you right out and your day will be ruined and a few other days down the roud as well, just make sure you dont have ot catch a plane immediately after you land back in the usa

  2. I know people on forums that bring back pipes back from Egypt, Dubai, Kuwait, Jordan, Israel, England, Germany and none of them have a problem if they declare they have it.

    Only people i have heard that have had problems are the idiots that ruin the hookah with weed.

  3. nahh, i Brought one back from germany. Put it in the big luggage, no problems.

  4. hallo,

    i'd advise your looking through the customs requirements.

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