
Will USA become Muslim someday near?

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I read and watch youtube where so many americans convert to Islam. They find in it "a common sense" relgion? How serious is this? How will it affect the jewsh state israel?




  1. No Muslim has ever laid a finger on the US Constitution. The real threat to America (far more than a bunch of pissed-off Muslims—or even liberals) are those conservative Christians who want to re-write the US Constitution in an attempt to overturn America’s secular democratic republic so they can replace it with a theocratic-based fascist government based on the humanity– and America–hating doctrine of their sadistic Old Testament God.

    Religious and political conservatives have done more harm to the US Constitution than all of the liberals and all of America’s outside enemies combined—ever. Even Bin-laden himself could not have dreamed of taking away our personal rights and individual freedom to the degree the Bush Administration has.

    When not trying to force their God into the Constitution—and the lives of every American—conservative Christians try to amend the Constitution for pathetic non-issues like g*y marriage and flag burning—while they oppose any amendment guaranteeing equal rights to all Americans.

    Further, they are at war against science and education. They want to expel science from our public schools so they can replace it with the mythological folktales of illiterate Bronze and Iron Age goat herders.

    And, if not for America’s secular rule of law, they would behave exactly like their radical Islamic cousins. Both groups believe—and have the historical pedigrees to prove—in conversion through genocide and see no inconsistency in murdering, raping, torturing, barbecuing, and hacking-off body parts as a means to spread their spiritual messages of unconditional love and goodness.

  2. No

    USA has was founded  because of religious repression: the USA (nation) has never and never will declare a national religion.  

    USA society allows great freedom for all its citizens and One rule of law based on the crime ( NOT based on class (rich poor or type of employment (gov officials /shop owner,ditch digger)

    Opportunities are available to all as is free public education.

    Religious belief  is simply a matter of an individuals choice. All religions are tolerated..

    They key word is tolerated...everyone will not always like accept the same things...its called diversity....Demanding that everyone commit to one religion  or other belief(atheist/agnostic) is like demanding that everyone accept that beef IS the ONLY acceptable protein,cabbage IS the ONLY allowed vegetable,dogs are the only allowed pet....

    Never gonna happen...

  3. Most people don't realize that Islam is not just Muslim religion...but it is also a way of life and has rules just like laws to obey. So it is a form of government...and unless the Western world wakes up to this...we will indeed fall to the Muslim way of life.

  4. With the liberals' help, yes, I think you're right.

    Goodbye, Western world.

    Can you answer one question for me?  With the huge region of the Middle East, Indonesia and all of the other Muslim-majority countries, why do they want the USA, UK and Israel too?  You're gullible, liberal italienne.

  5. *0*

    I don't think it'll happen. Islam is one of the fastest growing religions there.

    Even if USA does somehow stops supporting Israel, it can still be sufficient; military included. If Arabs attack it for some reason, it'll be the same result as 1967, possibly worse because it has over 200 nukes.

  6. Absolutley not.

  7. I be leave the current leader for the highest seat in the land is a ploy, for forgiveness to those how suffered during the recent government. "is this monitored by the FBI CIA " well I'm Scottish and  America does have a freedom of speech until your finished talking, loll

    Don't get me wrong, i like Americans its just the decisions that have been made in the past concerning "black gold" OIL that should be under investigation....

    I'm just an ex service man that served 6 years in the UN and has seen both sides of the fight. What do we get out of it now, price increase and a increase on live`n that it makes the under dogs suffer and the rich richer......

  8. Highly unlikely.

  9. no Americans are turning more tword Atheism. statistics say that alittle over 60% of Americans are religious and only 40% of that percentage go to church.

  10. The government is not religious, so it can't become Muslim.

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