
Will Uhual/republic western pay ?

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I just got hit by someone driving a uhaul. I was parked at the time, they side swiped me and did signigicant damage. i filed a police report, and just filed a claim with republic western (their insurance company). Has anyone ever had this happened to them? What were the results? I have been reading horror stories that they are basically A$$holes and F people over. I have video proof, the drive admitted fault, and he said he purchased the insurance.




  1. I have heard of them.   But I do not know how well they pay their claims.   I once drove a U Haul truck that I rented for the day, and took off a mirror of a parked car.   I gave them the insurance info because I purchased U-Haul insurance (I didn't know any better back then) and the u-Haul company must have paid the damages because I never ever hard from them.

    So, they did also take out the u-haul truck insurance?   I won't worry, they will probly pay you what is fair.  If you have a problem contact your state's insurance commissioner.  

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