
Will Ukrainian president Viktor YUSHCHENKO come to the aid of Georgia?

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More so than just blocking Russian ships? Is he still holding a grudge for nearly being killed by Putin?




  1. Interesting question.  What does the Ukraine accomplish if they aid Georgia?  If they were to come to the aid of Georgia more so than what little they have already done, they also risk invasion by the Russians.  I think that if they step in to aid Georgia, what you will see is a rapidly growing conflict that adds more instability to the region and possibly draws in more countries to the conflict.  While Georgia would view it as favorable assistance, it could possibly lead to a conflict that draws the rest of the world into it.

  2. cause if he does anything, he's the next one to go... he's not stupid, he saw what happened to Saakashvili, he doesn't wanna pick a fight with Russia...

  3. It would be foolish they are no match for Russia, just like Georgia is not match for them.  They are only small countries with no real fighing power.  Maybe this is what Putin is hoping for then he can roll over them and bring them back into the fold.  He wants land, power and anything he can get his hands on.

  4. Do you even know what the consequences of messing with Russia if you're Ukraine?  

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