
Will Virtual Reality ever become.. well, a reality?

by  |  earlier

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Will there ever be a point where we can just strap on some helmet and be in the world of our choice? I think it'd be awesome if you could like go into the Pokemon world or something and visit Ash and his friends. =D




  1. If you are into that strongly it's all ready your reality!

  2. No. If it is, i won't use it. I got a life

  3. Im sure someone will invent it someday...I mean think about it! Soon we will have flying cars! Heck! there's already water cars made in Japan/China. They run by water! How crazy will this earth be?

  4. Virtual REality will never become a reality because of the movie Lawnmower man.

  5. its possible if you interphased your senses in the virtual environment generated by the computer.

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