
Will Walter get his long overdue knighthood, at the end of this season ?

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Surely it's time he was recognised.




  1. nope

  2. See all this knighthood stuff its a load of rubbish!! At the day these people are gettin them for doin their jobs which they enjoy doin, there is a h**l of alot more people who do more important jobs for a h**l of alot less money and don't get recognised in the slightest in this way ie. firemen etc.

  3. Much as I rate him as a manager and genuine nice person, I cant see him being honoured at all. (as in "Sir")

    He hasn't brought as much success to footy as Fergie so its a no go I reckon!

  4. once we win the Champions League this year, I'm sure he will!

  5. lol..way over due...maybe him and wee gordy will get it together....would celtic fans ever cope with wgs kneeling before the queen...:-)

    seriously do agree with wee would be nice but never going to happen

  6. Martin O'Neill has an OBE, as does Walter Smith.

    I think a knighthood is out of the question unless you manage a Champions League or World Cup winning team...  and even then it has to be England or Man United.

  7. a hope so and you no what thats called


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