
Will We All Get Diabetes???

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I am 12, my brothers are 20 and 24. Here are the people in my family that have diabetes.:


Moms mom

Moms Dad

Dads Mom

Dads Grandma


Another Aunt

And Another Aunt.

I know that no one can be for sure. I am probably one of the most "Type 1 Diabetes" aware person. I know you can't prevent it. I know how to handle it. But I can only be worried. I know Nick Jonas has it. And I feel bad for him. One time 2 in every 3 people will get diabetes. And that really scares me.... I was wondering if any one thought that that was true and if I shouldnt be scared.




  1. You believe you know you can't prevent it.  Don't be in such a hurry to believe this.

    Watch Dr Lorraine Day's video free and on Google called 'Diseases Don't Just Happen.'  It's a bit long but good information.

    She says isn't it convenient [for docs] that diseases all [seem to] have a genetic connection.  Remember she was up the modern medicine pipe herself and laughed at alternative treatments claiming to cure cancer till she herself got it and then thought they were worth a closer look.  She also told her patients to eat whatever they wanted.  It was what she was taught and what she 'knew.'

    Now, she knows better.  Way better and she cured herself.

    Modern medicine is about ongoing and profitable treatment.

    PLEASE don't be so sure it can't be prevented.

    FEAR sellls.  FEAR is USED to sell products including medicine.

    ALSO fear can increase the chances of you getting ill by increasing your body acidity, NOT a good thing.  Invading organisms thrive in an acidic environment.  

    Negative thinking is THE single most acidifying thing for the body.

    Check out sources of information that are not pharmecutically based, like PH Miracle, works of Garry Null [often on PBS,] Fit for Life, Hulda Clark...  Even Dr Batman who says dehydration is the major cause of all disease says sufficient hydration will make diabetes go away.  BTWay he also says no salt is downright stupid.  Table salt is toxic but mineral salt is good for us and alkalinizing.  Our bodies, the cells in our bodies CANNOT fuction properly without sufficient hydration.

    There are MANY MANY and MANY sources of positive information.

    Be hydrated.  Exercise to keep your tissues clean and immunity strong--mini trampolines are great.  Think positive and when you don't like an answer you get--like you WILL get diabetes and you CANNOt prevent it--look somewhere else.

    I'm sure Null has stories of diabetes reversal.  Others do too.  If modern medicine practitioners believe it cannot be cured that's not useful to you, great for profits for pharmecutical companies however.

    Be grateful for what you do have and NO reason to worrry.  There is reason to seek more useful information.

    Take charge.  Never give up.  You deserve it.  And you are 12, bright, insightfu and already concerned about your good health.  There is no reason for you not to be just fine.  

    PS, There ARE cures.  Modern medicine does not  cure.  They are about disease maintainance and offer only on going treatments, which typically spawn the need for more ongoing treatments.  While the pharmecutical companies are looking for these they put down alternative approaches to protect their own potential profits.  Cure for Cancer?  YES.  There are.  MANY.  Cancer is an industry and it doesn't just happen either.  It's horrible what is done to scare people into horrifying disfiguring 'treatments.'

  2. You won't necessarily become diabetic.  In my family, only 2 out of 3 children got diabetes because our mother and grandfather had it.  Even so, it depends what genes you have inherited.  None of you might become diabetic.  Also, as you are all quite young, there will probably be a cure before you are much older.

  3. You are at very high risk so the best suggestion I can give you is take care of you body now...   It is a good possiblity but you might escape it also...

  4. You really have the risk factors going for you.  It does not mean you will get diabetes for sure though.  6 generations of my family have had diabetes.  I am diabetic and 2 of my 5 kids are diabetic.  (so far)  No there is no way to prevent diabetes, but you should also learn about type 2 as well.  I don't think 2 out of every 3 people is correct, though.  Don't let it scare you.  Learn all you can about both types of diabetes.  This will help you to control it if you ever do develop it.  Good control comes from knowledge and making the right choices.

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