
Will Yahoo survive and compete with Google?

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Will Yahoo survive from the bidding and/or merger to other company ? Will Yahoo be able to compete with Google ? After all, Yahoo was the first one and Google was built 2 years after Yahoo.




  1. Yahoo should absolutely survive.  It may not look exactly like it does today, i.e. merger with Microsoft, or some other acquisition, but it will be around.

  2. Google is a formidable competitor and its one that has been on Microsoft's radar for many years. If Microsoft could have bought Google without antitrust violations, it would have.

    If the YAHOO directors or stock holders make a good choice, Microsoft and YAHOO will win the competition with Google. If they back away from a very attractive deal using poison pills, then I afraid Google will relinquish Yahoo as #2 forever. You always want to be #1 in a market. Microsoft knows that and has gotten to this place many times in many markets.

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