
Will You Be Buying For Less People or Spending Less On Christmas Presents This Year?

by  |  earlier

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I Christmas shop throughout the year and most of my presents are being bought from e-bay this year. Plus, I have knocked prices for couples down from $15-$25.00 to $5-$10.00. My list itself has not cut down much.




  1. I am going to make give to the same amount of people, but I am going to give homemade candies to help cut down on how much I spend.  I am still going to spend the same amount on my kids though because they are still young and I want them to have a nice Christmas.

  2. I will try to curb my spending better than I have in the past, yes. I'm trying to select gifts now and get it done so I don't overspend.

    Beware of ebay. The deals you get are not always such great deals.  

  3. I used to aleast try to get 3 presents each for my siblings but this year I am just going to get them one present each at a reasonable price.  

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