I want to kill a large black bear for self protection, and protecting my family. We live on the edge of the city, and the bear comes in every week for garbage, plus whenever it feels like it, through our fences, over our fences etc. and is doing a lot of damage. I only saw it twice. My wife sees it every day now, on her evening walks or bicycle rides and must go past it on the trail, within yards or feet. It is part of a group of 10 - 12 black bears, but seems to be the most intrusive. I have called authorities for 2 years and trust me, they will do nothing. They ask us to make adjustments, and live with the creatures. So people keep their children inside and can't believe this circumstance.
I only have access to a .22, 6 shots, and would use maximum velocity hollow points. Can this penetrate a bear's skull, or should it take a vital organ volley of bullets? I don't particularly want to be mauled. BTW, one woman was killed and her husband was mauled. Bear was killed.