
Will a 350 bolt up to a 4 cylinder out drive merc?

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Will a 350 bolt up to a 4 cylinder out drive merc?




  1. An Alpha merc drive will work with a 350, but you will have to change the gear set.  Don't try to compensate for long gears with a higher pitch prop.  You will blow the drive in short order.

  2. Hi there how are you?  Without giving us alot of info on the engine that your going to be using I will say this. Yes and No. Depends on what engine was in there at first. MerCruiser at one time used both GM and Ford engines. You didnt not say the year of this boat nor the mfg. of the 4 cyl. that was in there. If the 4 cyl. is a GM motor then yes. If it was a Ford engine then no. Another this 350 your thinking about a auto engine or a marine engine? Do not attempt to use a auto engine in a marine application. It WILL NOT last. Marine engines are built differently then that of auto engines. Marine engines run at or near WOT 99.9% of the time. Where auto engines do not. For example....60 mph in a car your engine would be turning around 1800 to 2100 rpm. In a boat same speed the engine would be turning around 5000 to 5500 rpm's. So marine engines have to be built differently to be able to with stand this. People do not realize that marine engines have more strain on them then auto engines do.  One other thing to consider. How much hp is the 350 going to be producing? The Alpha One Drive will only handle up to 300 hp anything above that and you will blow the drive out. So be sure the 350 does not produce any more than 300 hp. If it produces more than 300 hp then you will have to use the Bravo One outdrive.

    Thanks and hope this helps.

  3. You can with the right adapters. The Alpha drive is the weak link.

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