
Will a 'service job' driven american economic structure be totally screwed if all of the underpaid third world

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economies begin catching up even a little?




  1. well a number of third-world countries have been catching up.

    and it has already had some effects on our economy (for example the last of American jobs due to companies going to other countries to fill those jobs because they are cheaper)

    But the reason why we would be screwed isn't do to the fact that the 3rd world economies are doing better.

    it's because we don't found the things that would make sure our economy will do better in the future.  We cut founding for schools well other countries are poring more funds into their schools, this leads to us having a less educated work force then that of other countries.

    so the people in these countries are in a position to get better jobs or have the smarts to invent new things or start business.

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