
Will a Golf Club Allow me To Retrieve There Lake Balls?

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I want to dive for golf balls in any golf courses lake. Am I allowed?




  1. The property is owned by someone - so you are trepassing.  Get permission first, and be prepared to pay something as they know you will be able to sell the golf balls you find.

  2. no. they have a net and then sell the balls in the pro-shop

  3. You can have all the balls you want if you dive at night otherwise, no, they own them.

  4. Ask the owner.

    Or the club manager.

    They'll probly let you.

  5. In my experience you must get permission from the golf pro or course manager

  6. Some golfers fish out balls using a telescoping retrieving tool. I have never heard of anyone diving for golf balls. Periodically, they will drain the man made lakes to clean them out. I am sure the balls go to the driving range after that.

    I highly doubt any course would allow you to dive for golf balls, there is too much liability at risk.

  7. my husband used to do this

    you have to bid on the contract most courses already have someone doing it already

  8. I believe they would let you but I would ask them first so you wouldn't get in trouble just in case.

  9. no you are not   not at all and also some golf courses have alligators in there lakes

  10. sure

  11. if you give the golf course half of what you retrieve, then usually they will.

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