I'm a scorpio, and my ex is a Pisces. She broke up with me because she said that it was the best for both of us, she was getting too attached and didn't want to get hurt. Before that, our relationship was great. We went out for 8 months, and it never seemed like it was that long. we both said that we cherished all the moments that we shared. After the break up, I tried at least three other times to try and get back together, because I just felt like I couldn't live without her. We're still good friends and we talk like when we were together. I feel lost with out her though, and just want to know if there's a chance that she'll want to get back together.
I even compared our natal charts...or birth charts, but I don't know what to make of it. at the bottom are three numbers. One is 824, and the other two are under the orb value. -874 and -50. Does anyone know that that means? If so, will getting back together be possible?