
Will a Reiki attunement make me feel different?

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Will a Reiki attunement make me feel different?




  1. YES

  2. It's hard to say. I certainly felt very different after my reiki one. But it affects people in different ways.

    It was a very profound experience and I loved it. Very worth it.

    Namaste. :-)

  3. Reiki attunements have the effect of a sort of super alignment and healing of the recipient's energetic system. It floods the system with an extraordinary amount of White Light which inevitably has an detoxifying and healing effect.

    HOW exactly that healing is percieved by and manifests within the recipient differs drastically depending on the individual and their current state of mental-emotional, spiritual, &/or physical health.

    Many people experience symptoms of physical detox - cold or flu-like symptoms, digestive upset, achy joints, mild fatigue. Symptoms of emotional cleansing are also common - feeling vulnerable, quick to tears, mood swings, memories re-surfacing from the past. Others will experience spiritual cleansing and opening - their dreams may become extremely vivid, their intuition will increase, they may experience flashes of telepathy. Again, whatever level most needs the healing, that is where and how the person will experience the cleansing.

    This process is known as the Post-Attunement Cleanse and generally lasts 21 days after the attunement. At each level of training there is a new attunement, and a new cleanse.

    It's best to not anticipate experiencing symptoms, but not to be surprised if they do appear. Journalling your experiences during that time can be quite instructive as to what areas of your life could use some extra attention and healing. Performing daily self-treatments will help expediate the process, and smooth the energetic transitions being made during this time. Of course if anything worrying surfaces or occurs during the cleanse, talk to you Reiki Master about it.

    As to what it feels like during the moment one is attuned also differs. Most report subtle sensations of energy flowing through their chakras, and through their palm chakras. Some feel tingling, or pressure, or warmth, or coolness, or vibrations. Others will feel a surge of emotion, or a deep sense of peace. Still others will have a more dramatic experience where they might see inner visions of vibrant colors and light, or make contact with their Spirit Guides. Again it will vary greatly from person to person. Generally the more subtle sensations are the norm.

    What is certain is that recieving a Reiki attunement enacts a great healing and sets one upon a path of Light that will lead them to many new and wonderful places. You will find yourself presented with many "coincidental" or "accidental" situations where you can be of great aid, or that you can learn important lessons from. This happens to anyone undergoing a healing journey, but it seems to accelerate once one has the Reiki attunement.

  4. its a very powerful thing if you allow it to be its an individual thing I loved it and felt empowered and also a little sad my mother in law cried all day after she just had some things confirmed she already knew and also learned new things she was just upset not mad or sad just emotional I would do it if you have the hance its amazing

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