
Will a U.S. cordless phone work in Guyana?

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Someone in my office has relatives in Guyana and keeps asking me whether a U.S. cordless phone will work there. (He is originally from Guyana and has some diabilities due to a beating he took about ten years ago.) He wants to buy one for his relatives there but wants to make sure it will work. I have no idea; he keeps asking me.

Does anyone know? Thank you.

(For those who may not be familiar with Guyana, it's a small country in northern South America.)




  1. Technically a cordless phone designed for the U.S. market should work just fine in Guyana.  The only things that could be an issue are the connections to the telephone system and 120V here vs. 240V there.

    I don't know what the Guyana "FCC" type issues may be, but I doubt that it will be an issue.  

    It is possible, but I doubt that his home in Guyana uses  molded RJ type connectors (the little molded rectangular connectors that plug into the telephone wall socket and have that little plastic clip to catch and release it) such as we use here, so your relative may need to buy or make some kind of adapter to go from the molded RJ on the master station of cordless system to whatever they use in Guyana.  I suggest that you send him an extra RJ jumper and an RJ double female adapter that he can use to fashion his own adapter.  Use the double female to connect it to the master station of the cordless system.  

    The "wall warts" for the chargers of the cordless units will almost surely be for 120V systems if you buy the system here.  You can send him a small transformer for the cordless master station and each of the cordless remotes or change out the wall warts to equivalent 240V units.  But he is probably used to this kind of thing.

    I would get a 5.6 GHz cordless system.  In my opinion they work best and are less subject to interference.  

    Hope this helps.

    73, from the Fisherman

  2. Yes, it will work. The telephone standard is the same as in the US.

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