
Will a book with a gun on the cover get me suspended?

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I have a copy of the book Patriot Games by Tom Clancy that I may bring to school and read. But on the cover there's a photo of Harrison Ford holding a gun. (It was after the film got released). So, will that get me suspended?




  1. no this will not get you suspended. you will only get suspendedd if you are in posetion of a weapon.  

  2. I don't see why a teacher would consider suspending you for taking a book to read. If you get suspended the schools systems are getting worse than I thought! You're at school to learn so just take the book and read it.

  3. If they suspend you for that, that could possibly be a first amendment issue. Just because you are in school does not mean your constitutional rights end on school grounds. But a lawyer would be able to tell you that one way or another.  

    I drew pictures of  weapons in school, wrote about them, brought books to school about them, I was and still am into the history of weapons and warfare. School officials of course didn't like it and tried to tell me to stop and try to suspend me or have the resource officer do something. The officer could do nothing and what I did not disrupt school or class nor did it violate any laws.  

    My parents talked to a lawyer in the family, she said what I'm doing falls under the 1st Amendment and she wrote the school a certified letter, the school left me alone after that.

    Again, the constitutionality and legal issues are more the purview of a lawyer and what happened with me was over 10 years ago. From my own experience, they can threaten and they can try, will it hold up is another matter, in my case it didn't. May or may not be the case in your experience, as the saying goes, your mileage may vary.

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