
Will a calculator still work if a battery leaked acid? can it be cleaned and still work or is it useless?

by  |  earlier

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it's a TI-89, so i'd rather not just throw it away if it can be fixed




  1. Put that leaky battery in file 13 before it ruins your calculator.  The acid ruins everything it gets on.  I have seen a lot of calculators which were destroyed by leaking batteries.  It's not worth the risk.

  2. You can probably get a new one for around ten dollars, but to fix it try and clean it up. I would use an alchohol wipe or something heavy duty. See if you can close the leakage by using glue or sealer. Then test it out for a few minutes to see if it leaks again. If it does not, it is good. If it does, try again or get a new battery.

    Just for safety though I would wear gloves while handeling the battery acid.

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