
Will a camera body only be able to still take photos?

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I've been using only point & shoot cameras, and i've want to take larger and crisper images so the digital SLR cameras i'm not familiar with. I've read that a nikon camera (body only) doesn't provide lens and it would be a better idea if i buy my own lens separately. However, since i am still a teen and well hopefully get a part time job soon, i was wondering if i just buy the camera (body only) now..would i still be able to take pictures while i save money to buy a len?




  1. you cant take any photos without a lens

  2. No you cannot use like that, some people buy advanced lenses than the one provided in the kit. For that purpose they're selling like that.

  3. First, the best deal right now includes the very good AF-S 18-55 mm ED lens (Amazon, under $470).  It is based upon the design of Nikon 35 mm SLR cameras ... never intended to be anything but a still camera.

    About the 18-55 mm lens

    When it comes to photography, still photography, motion picture photography and videography are three very different occupations.

    Still photography is one image at a time used by editorial, sports, nature, scientific, fashion, medical, wedding, portrait .. the list goes on.

    Motion picture photography starts with a script, a storyboard, shot blocking and then hiring a cast, crew and post production team.

    Video can also involve all the above if producing a video short, but they are also used by news and sports videographers working for networks and TV stations.

    Not only that, but the skill sets to operate them are very different.

    You will benefit from taking some classes in photography once you have the opportunity, however you can get some good experience by shooting for your schools yearbook as well as its newspaper.

    To fully answer your question is this:

    You will need some kind of lens to use a DSLR to take photos

    And no, DSLR's, like 35 mm SLR's are not video or motion picture making cameras

  4. No.

    It can actually be cheaper if you buy it as a kit.

    I am also on a tight budget, what I did was buy a new body (for the warranty and service due to mechanical parts) but get second hand lenses. It is easier to determine the condition of a lens, and even if you need to service it, it is not so expensive. Servicing the body can be a bit costly, especially if it is faulty, so that's why I always buy a new body.

    You can get a used standard lens dirt cheap, make sure you test it first though, and make sure it is in good condition.

  5. The camera will not take pictures without a lens. I would buy the camera with the kit lens to start with. As your experience grows and you have some more money you can buy a different lens. There are many different lenses available. You choose the lens that fits your needs.

    Wide angle: Landscapes and architecture

    Telephoto: For sports, wildlife and any other reason that you need to get close. Telephoto lenses come in fixed focal lengths and zooms. A good one for most amateurs is a 70-300mm.

    Macro: For very closeup shots of flowers, bugs and other small objects.

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