
Will a casino care if you write down the spins on a roulette wheel?

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So I have been looking at this site and it is selling a strategy for playing roulette (i know there are a million that just take your money). But one point they brough up was that in a casino, if you stand next to a roulette table with a pen and paper and start writing down what the ball lands on each time, you will eventually be asked to stop. They claim that the reason why they do this is because the casinos know that there is a proper wheel analysis that can beat the wheel. So i was thinking what if they are right? Has anyone ever tried this? Why else would they make you stop doing this?




  1. We don't stop people writing down numbers and contrary to ZTC's documentary wheel bias is not a problem. most of the wheels available these days collect the data for the casino to monitor, I don't know one casino that's noted people winning on a biased wheel.

  2. Yes, they will eventually ask you to stop because there is a way to figure out where it will land next.

  3. There is no way to beat any game where the conditions are the same with every bet. Writing down the hits does nothing in roulette, or craps, or slots or keno etc. Conditions in Blackjack change constantly, and can be manipulated, but that's frowned on.

  4. No in some of the casinos they display all the last 30 numbers.

  5. I saw a documentary about a team that did this successfully and made a small fortune.  However in the documentary the team, when interviewed, said they would record 10,000 spins, then feed that data into a computer program, and the computer would show the wheel bias.

    The trick was in finding a wheel with a large enough bias to overcome the house edge of 5.26%.

    The team beat the casinos out of a lot of money.  But once the casinos finally figured out what was going on, they started swapping the wheels around, and changing the metal part with the wood part, and having the wheels balanced more often.

    The end result was that it became almost impossible to collect enough data before the wheels got moved.

    These days, most casinos have those big display boards on the table showing the past 20 or so spins.  These are actually computers that monitor the wheel to ensure randomness.  These computers would alert the casino a LONG time before you ever figured out a bias in the wheel.

    I've been to casinos where the casino themselves hand out free wheel cards and pencils where you can mark off where the ball is landing.  Let's face facts, if they were at all nervous about someone writing down the numbers, they would not be handing out cards like that.

    I think in reality most major casinos couldn't care less if you stood there all weekend writing down the numbers.  They would be more likely to ask you to leave just because they got fed up of you loitering on their property without participating in a game or spending any money.

    I don't think any modern casino would be worried that you were going to figure out how to break them.

    Even if you did find a biased wheel, if you started winning a lot of money they would almost certainly close the table, at which point you've just lost the information you need to beat them.  While the table is closed, they will probably remove the wheel and rebalance it.  So now all the data you spent hours collecting is worthless.

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