
Will a fake no claims certificate get me a lower car insurance premium?

by  |  earlier

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found a site offering fake no claims letters, caught my eye as a young driver having to pay over a grand for a ford escort. Wondered what the chances of it actually working were? Thanks!




  1. no good at all as the insurance company will check all details of the company u got your no claims cert from. as it doesn exist no such luck

  2. It's a complete scam. The letter is useless.

  3. you actually have a driving licence,,?

  4. The insurance companies have a database that they search, a piece of paper will not stop them from checking. It's like your credit, you can stand in a car dealer and say I have perfect credit, 10 minutes later they run your credit and see you have a 300 beacon score, same theory.

  5. Sorry but this is dickheadmanship at its best!  A false no claims certificate will mean no valid insurance for sure ... okay if you don't get caught ... but what if you kill or maim or simply write off someone's pride and joy?  I am sorry but I just hope that you get caught if you go ahead with this and they throw the key away.

  6. no, they track your old policy details

  7. Probable scam......and in the long run, who do you think is going to pay for it??

  8. if u use  a fake  no claims  certificate  any insurance co can check useing data base if  you make a claim , your insurance will be void ,plus you could get 6 months for fraud ,try insuraning 3 rd party  keep out of trouble for 3 years and you will get your noclaims  legit

  9. No, but it could get you some time at the grey bar hotel.

  10. Yes insurers really are that stupid !

    Of course it won't work, they'll check your details with the central database, report you to the Police for attempted fraud and you'll have been 'refused' insurance which means it'll cost you 3 times as much every time you apply in the future (they store that info on a central database too).

  11. no they can find out on a super computer and if you had a dink, you would be uninsured as insurance would be void and you could be sent to prison depending on how bad the accident was - really not worth messing about with,  but there was a great insurance company called bricks and mortar, not sure if they are still going but me and my friends used them as they only dealt with new drives and they were cheap

  12. What's the name of the site? I have to see this for Myself. I have years of genuine NCB by the way.

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