
Will a fake stuffed "mama cat" help to comfort my kitten who wasn't weaned well?

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I have a kitten, 5 months old, whom I got when she was 6-7 weeks old. She wasn't weaned well, and so started nursing on our male dog -- in not the best way, see my earlier question below. (Her brother, whom my sister took, was nursing on her 4 year old male cat's nipples, but eventually stopped, no harm done.) We need to stop this behavior, but we are dealing with a *cat* ...they seem to do what they want if you're not around to reprimand. :) And the dog could care less, so he doesn't stop her.

I wonder if those stuffed fake mama cats would help to rid her of this behavior. Take a big floppy stuffed toy, put in a hot water bottle for heat and a small ticking clock for a heartbeat, and present to her. I know these are great for very young orphans, but I don't know about a 5 month old cat with an already-ingrained habit.

Any ideas? Thank you!!!




  1. Using a stuffed cat would be a good idea. A cat of this age should not be nursing at all. Good Luck

  2. If your dog doesn't mind then why stop her.  It is not going to hurt the dog or the kitten to do this.

    Eventually it wills top on it's own.

    A stuffed animal will not stop her of the habit...It's not alive and warm...

    Let the dog handle it.  

  3. I would just try the stuffed animal...because why not? It might not work because she can obviously tell it's not alive, but it's worth a shot. It's strange that shes still trying at five months, I guess you should just stop her every time you see her with your dog and maybe pull her away and then give her a treat. Thankfully it sounds like your dog doesn't have a problem with it.

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