
Will a garter snake/water snake eat our box turtle?

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We're keeping a 'wild' eastern box turtle at least until fall comes; it's missing its right eye and several claws/toes but eats well and otherwise seems healthy. But today upon approaching its "pen" outside, I saw the tail of a snake disappear into the wood pile right next to its enclosure. I couldn't get a good look at it but I think it might have been a common water snake or garter snake. Either way, is it a threat to our turtle? We've become attached to it. I found it on a trail in the woods RIGHT next to our backyard, and it seemed soooo hungry and we took it in. Then it escaped for about a week or two and then reappeared at the compost pile and we brought it back. The enclosure is about a foot high from 3 stacked wood beam thingies, with a tree for one wall and a log for the opposite one. It has a crushed rock/gravel bottom with some leaf litter, and some slate and wood boards over half the top. The other half is open and the snake might be able to dig in. Is the snake a threat?




  1. You don't say how big the box turtle is but I highly doubt the snakes are a threat. Garter snakes aren't big enough to be a threat. And I doubt that the water snake would. Both eat fish and frogs primarily. The only snake that I know of that will eat turtles are cottonmouths, and they only eat baby turtles.

  2. The snake might be a threat, so try and keep your turtle away from that snake if you can.

  3. hahahaha no the snake is not a threat at all but it could stike at the turtle but not it is almost imposible for the snake to eat the turtle

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