
Will a ghost refuse to give EVP if they know they are being recorded or listened to on baby monitor ?

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Will a ghost refuse to give EVP if they know they are being recorded or listened to on baby monitor ?




  1. If a ghost knows it's being recorded and has an opportunity to talk, why wouldn't it go on at length about why it's there, what it's name is, what it wants, etc?  Instead all you have with EVPs is a short blob of incoherent sound that enthusiastic ghost hunters try to fit a couple words to.

  2. I don't think a baby moniter is very reliable, it can pick up too much interference. And yes, any scanner you get from radioshack can pick up a baby moniter/cordless phone...I know from experience so don't bother with that. I don't know if a ghost would refuse, but they don't haunt on cue.

  3. I think it's hard to say.  But since you seem to be a ghost enthusiast, check out this awesome guide to NYC and it's best Haunted Spots!  I live in NYC so I love this article!

  4. No, I don't think the recording device makes a lot of difference to them, if they are going to make a noise that you can record, they will do it.

  5. yeah either ghosts are sulky/playful/ personalities or they dont actually exist in our space and time, just kind of bash against it whilst in their own space and time.. or they dont actually exist at all.

  6. Yes sometimes because ghosts can be like very smart sometimes.........

    They might think that if their voices are caught that that person will kick them out........

  7. That is an interesting question.   I once recorded an evp at a grave that said "Turn that d**n thing off of me".    I also recorded one at an old house that said "She has a voice machine".

  8. Assuming that ghosts will react like people (as most people believe that ghosts were people too, at one point), there are likely some ghosts who will refuse to be recorded, while others might jump at the opportunity. It's hard to say, since we don't even know what really makes EVP possible to begin with.

  9. I had to google EVP.  You taught me a new acronym.  "...refuse to give..." assumes a lot.

    Do be very cautious about using a baby monitor.  On tv in 1990's - for about $20 at a local electronics store, you could make an instrument to eavesdrop on any baby monitor.  I think that was on 60 Minutes.  Monitor encryption may've improved, but - I would not chance it.  A child is too precious to risk by giving a caser such a trove of information.

    Back to the question:  define "ghost."  It really sounds like you are confusing personal beliefs with observable phenomena.

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