
Will a halfmoon betta breed with a regular betta?

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hi, i am new to breeding bettas, but I have bred all other types of fish. Platies, mollies, tetras, loaches, plecos, and even angelfish. I know all of the facts on breeding and I just have one question for everyone. I purchased a male halfmoon betta and I have a regular female betta. (No specific name like halfmoon as far as i know.) She isn't a halfmoon, so i am wondering if he will breed with her even though she is a different type of betta than him. eveyones opinion matters, but i would love to hear from betta breeders mainly. thank you all so much. please tell me if my question is confusing. i will change the question so it sounds better. :) :)




  1. yes all betas will breed if properly done

  2. Oh, a very interesting question! I love it. Not many people ask a smart question like this. No, different types of bettas have no effect in spawning. They will all spawn with each other, but it really depends on what you are looking forward to in the outcome. If you are to breed a veiltail with a crowntail, most of the fry will be veiltails. (This is the dominant trait in betta types) So if you are planning on a certain look, such as halfmoon, which is beautiful and the most expensive by the way, then you should get another halfmoon. If you are just planning on breeding and don't care what the outcome is, then go for what you have now! Breeding bettas is a complicated thing, so be patient with it. It takes time, practice and knowledge. I guarantee that no one really knows about betta breeding until they have done, even with all the knowledge. The experience is what counts. As a fellow betta breeder, I say good luck to you and hopefully many years to come of betta breeding! Remember, every betta is different and every breeding experience will be different from another. I encourage you to email me so I can go over every detail with you before you start the breeding process!

    Good luck Rachellll!

  3. bettas are hard to breed. There is one in ten chances of a male breeding with a female, and even less chances of it breeding with another type. The bettas that are bred from the pets store need to be put in water with  a special type of solution so that it makes the bettas not able to see each other, so they don't even know who they are mating with! But you can try, and good luck!

  4. Yes.  Tail type makes no difference when breeding bettas, although professional breeders generally only breed same tail types together.  If you're going to breed a halfmoon to what is likely a veiltail female, your spawn will produce all or mostly veiltails, so keep that in mind if you wanted to breed halfmoons.

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