
Will a house martins nest cause any problems?

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i have a house martins nest under my eves. i feel priveliged that they have chosen my house. i dont see any other nests on other houses. i live within half mile of the severn estuary so a great supply of mud. they are deffinetly not sand martins or swallows. the previous owner used to knock the nests down but i like them. will they cause any problems other than the obvious noise?




  1. We have them every year and they never do any harm they are also near a bedroom window. One year sparrows tried to

    take over, but those martins won. Just clear up below the nest.

    It's great to see the young being fed, and come back again.

  2. House martins don't cause any structural damage. They tend to come back year after year.  It's best to knock the nest down when they have flown South for the winter or the build-up of guano gets a bit smelly.

  3. Not quite sure, but when my friend had birds nesting under her eves she had a lot of red mites just under her Windows.

  4. How good is that, they won't do any harm or damage and it is a privilege that they chose your home to share, they are beautiful little birds, in China it is considered very lucky to share your home with them, apparently they safeguard the well-being of the family.

  5. you should have no problems   you can always take the old nest down after a few years and check al your timber work is still good,   let them share your home,  i agree i think there lovely to have around.

  6. Good on you for letting them make their nest at your home.  I also have them and I do know if they could get a better place they would not be with me. Ok they poo on my car but then I just have to wash it more often.

  7. I used to look after a house that had about twenty of them.  They are a delight and the only slight problem was where they were above windows -- the glass and window cill gets bombarded with droppings.

  8. We had them for years and we just let them be and they never did any harm they weren't noisy and they were by a bedroom window.

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