
Will a leukemia patient have fainting spells?

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As well as headaches, fatigues and a bloated tummy?




  1. What are her blood counts?

    If her hemoglobin is low, it would explain feeling faint and fatigued.  Platelet count?  Both could be a cause for head aches.  She may need a couple transfusions...  a blood and a platetle transfusion.

    How is her blood pressure?  Low bp could cause faint, and head aches.  She may be dehydrated and need fluids, or loosing fluids too rapidly.  Or drugged.  Is she on narcotics?  

    What is her temp?  If she has an infection, it could be causing these symptoms.  If she does have a temp, doc needs to be alerted asap.

    Make sure the doc is aware of these symptoms.

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