
Will a ntsc camcorder work with dv tapes and laptop with firewire brought in england (both presumably pal)?

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im looking into buying a camcorder off ebay and the one im looking at is ntsc. will this be a problem with buying dv tapes in the uk and will it work with my laptop when i connect it with firewire, will i still be able to edit the video with adobe premier pro. also when i connect the camcorder up the tv will it work and will it work with my laptop as a webcam as it says in the specs.




  1. Your camcorder, laptop and Premiere no problems, just switch the mode when you capture it to NTSC. The webcam shouldnt be a problem. the only thing is your tv sometimes they have a setting for pal and ntsc.

    done lots of editing from friends who have ntsc cameras I use Adobe prem

    Just had too check, yep!  when you start a new project it will ask you the format ie PAL/NTSC

    good luck

  2. Many new TV sets are both NTSC and PAL. DV tapes are not NTSC or PAL specific. FIrewire will work with both NTSC and PAL cams, but Adobe needs to be installed for NTSC. Studio 11 will allow you to switch as required. It will work as a webcam because the video streaming software is not PAL or NTSC.

  3. Ntsc will not work in the uk. Unless it has dual record and playback  mode. NTSC will not work on a PAL TV. They are two different systems.

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