
Will a pay-as-you-throw rubbish charge make more people recycle their waste?

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Will a pay-as-you-throw rubbish charge make more people recycle their waste?




  1. yes

  2. No, I think there's more likely to be an increase in fly tipping, or they'll toss their rubbish into the neighbours' gardens, or into someone else's bin.


  3. when they hit our pocket we always respond, why dont they cut down in the first place on all this fancy packaging, we dont need it.

  4. No. More likely more rubbish in your front garden and stuff in your bin from other people.

  5. No. Whenever I have too much rubbish I just put it into carrier bags and take it to the shops with me. I then place it into the rubbish bins that they have there. If you take a bag of rubbish a day it soon gets rid of it! As long as you don't put anything with your name and address in it you're fine.

    I have two kids and sometimes my wheelie bin isn't big enough. I can't recycle as the council don't provide us with seperate bins.

  6. My city has a two bag limit every week..

    otherwise you get the tags...

    We stick to it :)

  7. for the honest folks, yes. for the dis-honest or don't care crowd, no. they will just bury it in their backyard polluting the groundwater or try to sneak it in others trash bins at night.

  8. Just another Government tax, it has nothing to do with the environment.

  9. It will encourage illegal dumping.  That's the problem with the way hazardous materials are regulated.  It's a service governments need to provide or the government will end up footing the cleanup bills.

  10. Possibly, but I think even those who are already hard core recyclers take issue with the unfairness of charging the consumer for he excessive packaging - which in many cases we can't avoid. It would make much more sense to give incentives to companies to cut down on packaging.

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